TOC in School Administration:
Strategic and Tactical Planning
Larry Till, Counselor
Detroit, Michigan, USA
At Joy Middle School we have been using the TOC tools to enhance the teaming
approach we are using. We have used the "Ambitious Target" Map and Transition
Tree to improve how we prepare our students for the MEAP (Michigan assessment
tests) as well as how we administer the test. We also use the Cloud and Negative
Branch in helping our students to resolve conflict, and these have become cornerstones
in our peer mediation program. TOC is also used in a variety of other ways by
administrators, teachers, parents and students.
Our principal, Mr. Ronnie Phillips, has had the foresight to allow us to conduct TOC
workshops and use the tools whenever they are needed. Our assistant principal,
Mrs. Joslyn Smith, has taken the TOC TACT seminar and facilitator training and
encourages using TOC. Mrs. Catherine Tilles, our testing coordinator, gives testimony
to the positive results she gets from using TOC.
Over the past two years our test scores have improved dramatically. Our reading scores
have improved by about 20 percent in the satisfactory category in each of the last two
years. Since 1989, our reading scores in the satisfactory have improved 46.8 percent.
Our percentage of students in the low reading range has dropped by 51.5 percent so that
75 percent of our students have now scored in the moderate needs or satisfactory categories.
In mathematics, our scores have improved by 27 percent since 1991 and 17.7 percent over
the last two years. Our percentage of students in the low range has been reduced by
22.4 percent in the mathematics section since 1991.
We have been accredited on the basis of our test scores for the last two years. Previously
we had been an unaccredited school. Last year we had the highest rate of increase in reading
in the Metropolitan Detroit area. This year our scores are even higher.
We have used all the TOC tools to involve every stakeholder in the school to achieve
continuous improvement. Do we have a ways to go? Yes, but the future looks much brighter
as we strive to reach our goals.
Improve M.E.A.P. Test Scores to OVER 61% |
1. Attendance |
See Attendance Sheet |
2. Lack of skills |
After School Program should match M.E.A.P. skills M.E.A.P. Coach Pre-Test as soon as possible Teach test taking skills |
3. Motivation |
Motivational Newsletters Interactive Open House with parents M.E.A.P. Celebration for all Trips |
4. Lack of scheduling |
Thematic Units (across grades) Provide all students with all the classes they need for M.E.A.P. Provide Health classes with P.E. Use ALL available resources |
5. Tracking |
To create evenly divided Cooperative Learning Groups Sensitivity training Student buddies |
6. Transit Students |
Keep parents informed -Current objectives -Homework activities Communicate with prior school immediately |
7. Disruption |
Inappropriate behavior Teach T.O.C. Have parents monitor Teacher preview test Students leave when test completed |
Improve Student Attendance
1. Contact parents; request conference
Provide information to parents about day care, etc.
2. Provide bus tickets
Suggest Car Pool
Neighborhood school
Contact transportation Department
3. Alarm clock
Earlier bed time
4. Medical reference
Suggest vitamins
Health center
5. Provide supplies
Referral to Attendance Department
6. Information (Counselor/Neighborhood Services)
7. Locate source
Counseling Sessions
Assure safety; buddy system, contact parents
Make student responsible
8. Provide incentives
Find what they like/reward system
Make it interesting
Spotlight student somehow
Play upon students' strengths
Connect with goal
9. Intervention from agencies
Apply #8
Bus Tickets
Meal programs
10. See #9
Provide program for parents
11. Find other disciplinary actions other than sending the student home
"In House"
Must "Do something" in order to get back in
Provide other curriculum options
Peer mediation using TOC tools
TARGET: Achieve Success at Joy Middle School |
1. Communication |
1a. Parents and teachers confer once a week. 1b. Keep phone numbers current. 1c. Attend all parent-teacher conferences. 1d. Turn off the T.V. 1e. Write absence notes. |
2. Attendance |
2a. Find innovative ways to motivate young people. 2b. Develop positive rewards. |
3. Motivation |
3a. Parents, teachers, and students must work together. 3b. Take educational trips. |
1. Following directions in school |
1. Listen carefully to the teacher |
2. Keeping my temper |
2a. Ignore people who start conflict 2b. Walk away 2c. Go to my counselor |
3. Giving respect so I can get it back |
3a. Listen to what others have to say 3b. Follow teacher’s directions |
4. Getting good grades |
4a. Do all my work 4b. Be on time |
5. Avoiding fights |
5a. Avoid situations that could lead to fights 5b. Walk away |
6. Getting to class on time |
6a. Don’t play in hallway 6b. Go straight to class 6c. Don’t stop to talk |
7. Following other people |
7a. Stay away from a bad crowd 7b. Don’t copy bad behavior |
MEAP (Michigan Educational Assessment Program |
1999** |
1998** |
1996 |
1995 |
Base 1989 |
% Satisfactory |
49.5 |
28.1 |
8.2 |
11.4 |
2.7 |
% Moderate |
25.5 |
33.3 |
25.3 |
32.3 |
20.8 |
% Low |
25.0 |
38.6 |
66.5 |
56.3 |
76.5 |
Number of Pupils |
212 |
171 |
170 |
254 |
183 |
Story 300 & Above |
% nm |
73.1 155 |
55.6 95 |
31.2 53 |
39.0 98 |
22.5 41 |
Info 300 & Above |
% nm |
54.8 109 |
33.9 58 |
10.6 18 |
16.8 42 |
4.9 7 |